Hitchhiker’s guide to Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia (also known as developmental coordination disorder – DCD) is a common condition affecting movement and coordination in children and adults. It is a hidden condition which affects all areas of life, making it difficult for people to carry out certain activities.The Dyspraxia Foundation explains how dyspraxia involves difficulty coordinating large and small body movements. Physical si…

Hitchhiker’s guide to Dyslexia revisited

Hitchhiker’s guide to Dyslexia revisited Last October we dedicated our Hitchhiker’s Guide to dyslexia as part of dyslexia awareness week. This year in celebration of the awareness week we are revisiting our guide and exploring how ROMBi is supporting children and adults with dyslexia. Every year, individuals participate in Dyslexia Awareness Week with the goal of raising awareness and…

ROMBi and International Literacy Day

ROMBi and International Literacy Day Last year as part of UNESCO’s International Literacy Day we created a ‘Hitchhiker’s guide to Literacy’. This guide explains that “Learning is not something that we do, it is a happening; things falling into place; with eureka moments, big & small. This principle is equally relevant for learners across age, academic ability range, fr…

ROMBi, creativity and children’s art week

ROMBi founder, education specialist and psychoanalyst, Penny Georgiou has long been a promoter of creativity and using puzzles to open new horizons for children and adults alike.This week we are supporting Children’s Art Week which is a UK-wide campaign run by Engage, the National Association for Gallery Education. The awareness week which kicked off on June 29th encourages schools, art galle…

ROMBi and Learning Disability Awareness Week 2022

ROMBi and Learning Disability Awareness Week 2022A learning disability, learning disorder, or learning difficulty is a condition that causes difficulties comprehending or processing information.Learning disabilities, disorders, and difficulties are have different effects on different people. Many who have a learning disability are able to work, have relationships, live alone and get qualific…

Trends for education in 2022

Trends for education in 2022 A recent article from Forbes highlighted that the 2 biggest future trends in education are; rethinking what we teach and rethinking how we teach it. Innovation in teaching and harnessing creativity is something that ROMBi founder, education specialist and psychoanalyst, Penny Georgiou is passionate about. ROMBi comes out of research and discovery at the cu…