​What can ROMBi do for you?

What  ROMBi can do for you!If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're right! (Anonymous)When there is something holding back our ability to function in the way that we would like to, this affects our expectations. It affects how we view our prospects not just for this moment but for our entire future. As we calculate today's difficulties and map them onto our expectations for our…

Working with ROMBi

Are you seeking enhancement of good perceptual and organisation skills?If so, you will probably notice better ways of approaching the puzzles as you work through them. ROMBi is designed as a tool for clarifying perception. So, if you encounter some blips that is excellent news. Why? Because confusions or perceptual blockages arising in completing a puzzle are are affecting all relevant menta…

ROMBi Q & A Classroom

Q: How can I assist a child in my class who presents with a learning difficulty?A: ROMBI play is useful in a number of ways. Here are a couple: Teacher observation of a learner engaging with a simple puzzle makes perceptual issues visible. The value of ROMBi play is that as the learner engages with the puzzles,the perceptual issues are also being addressed. A puzzle task easily be simplified…