Are you seeking enhancement of good perceptual and organisation skills?
If so, you will probably notice better ways of approaching the puzzles as you work through them.
ROMBi is designed as a tool for clarifying perception. So, if you encounter some blips that is excellent news. Why?
- Because confusions or perceptual blockages arising in completing a puzzle are are affecting all relevant mental operations; slowing you down, causing anxiety and fatigue. ROMBi identifies underlying perceptual issues in a tangible way.
- In working with the puzzles, your mind is taking in the information for solutions that will improve all relevant mental operations; releasing blocks and energy and bringing mood uplift.
ROMBi can be used
- Intermittently when needed – some perceptual uplift occurs on completion of a puzzle.
- Regularly for building and extending capabilities. (Recommended for more profound challenges as much as for virtuosity and ambition.)
Use our testimonials link to let us know how you get on!
Are you working with someone who is experiencing difficulties with the puzzle?
- This is to be expected. ROMBi is learning tool. Difficulties arise from the perceptual confusions that the learner will identify and correct through use of ROMBi puzzles.
- If the issues are profound (eg, Autism, Stroke/Brain Injury) check out the Pattern sheets for Professionals for 2-block, 4-block, 6 block, 8 block, 9 block and 12 block patterns.
- Square based puzzles may be a better starting point, or not.
- There is a key for each puzzle pattern.
- It is also a worth seeing if learners can discover this key for themselves, as this helps the process of discovery and perceptual development. However, this may not be relevant for learners with more profound conditions.
- Working with calm, patience and confidence that they will find their way and learn from the experience is the first order of the day.
- Your relaxed presence is an important part of their and your learning. If you feel any tension, do a puzzle yourself first and benefit from its relaxing and orientating effects. You may surprise yourself!
- Your point of observation will allow you to take in valuable information with enriching effects on your own awareness.
- Handling (not rubbing) but feeling the properties of the blocks is valuable in itself and will have structuring effects.
- Turning and arranging them in better and better ways, while encountering errors or obstacles, is part of the process of learning; taking in new information about the blocks and how they relate to them.
- After they have completed their first puzzle there should be discernible effects. See if you notice anything.
- As they proceed increasingly allow them to search for the answer first. If they need reassurance that they will find the answer, offer it. They will then have a greater opportunity to discover the way for themselves.
- If they are struggling, you may simplify the task by asking them to find components – eg, triangles, quarter circles, or other chosen face.
- At a certain point, you may decide that the moment is right for giving them a gentle clue to the next step.
- ROMBi is not about rushing to the end, it is about the taking in the steps that are relevant in the process, including the physical handling of the blocks. They will become faster and more precise as they clarify perception through direct experience.
- Some puzzles are directional, so when getting towards the end of completion, if there is a single piece whose direction doesn’t fit, this could be why. If you arrive at this point, things are going well.
Use our testimonials link to let us know how you get on!